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[CIPN] Cambridge Interdisciplinary Performance Network


Floris Schuiling studied musicology (BA, MA) and philosophy (BA) at Utrecht University, after which he continued his research at the University of Cambridge, where he earned his PhD with an ethnographic study of the improvising collective the Instant Composers Pool (ICP) Orchestra.

Schuiling's research approaches musical performance from an anthropological perspective, and asks in a general sense what performance may teach us about human creativity and social interaction. In particular, his PhD described the role of music notations as sources of creativity and cultural identity in an improvised musical context, and his prospective research aims to broaden this rethinking of notations as objects of creative interaction in performance.

In addition, he has a continuing interested in the history of avant-garde music in the Netherlands in a European context, particularly in the overlaps between art music, improvised music, and performance art.

For further information, please see:

What is CIPN?

Beyond the Authority of the Text